Test 1

Aeronautical Knowledge Test
To take the test... Highlight the test and place it in a word document, then fill in the answers and email it back to me,I will then send you you're score, and tell you if you've ranked up.

  1. Screen name;
  2. Number of flight simulator hours:
  3. Number of real world hours (if any):
  4. email adress:
For this next section, I will give you differnet scenarios faced in flight simulators environment;
  1. You are ready to takeoff the wind is at 20kts. out of heading 090, your runway options are 08, 21, 36, and 18, what runway do you use?
  2. Visibilty is 1 nautical mile and it is heavily raining, there is severe icing, should you fly the cessna 172?
  3. Visibility is 50 nautical miles, there are scattered clouds at 5,000ft AGL, wind is 040 at 02 is it IFR or VFR conditions?
  4. According to your ILS indicators, you are centered on the glideslope and localizer, but you can see the runway and it looks a bit too far to the left, what do you do?
  5. When flying jets, in almost all cases you fly IFR, is this correct? yes/no Circle one.
In this next section, we will focus on your knowledge of flight simulator.

  1. Are you familiar with ATC in flight simulator?
  2. Are you familiar with checklists in Flight Simulator?
  3. Are you familiar with flight plans in Flight Simulator?
  4. Do you have FSX Acceleration, or just basic FSX?
  5. How many hours (if any) have you spent in jets on flight simulator?
  6. How many hours (if any) have you spent in single prop airplanes in Flight Simulator?
  7. How many hours (if any) have you spent in  multi-prop airplanes in Flight Simulator?
  8. Have you passed any of the Flight Simulator Checkrides?
  9. Have you taken the Flying Leessons in Flight Simulator?
  10. Can you land an airplane manually in flight simulator?
  11. Can you fly a full IFR flight in flight simulator (takeoff to landing)?
  12. Can you land an airplane on the centerline in Flight Simulator?
  13. Do you have any special skills that I should note? ex. real world pilot, or over 1000 landings in fs?
Thanks for your time and consideration! I'll get back to you within 2 days, usually.